Friday, July 20, 2012

#Follow500: An Experiment

I’m going to follow 500 new tweeps today…

Handpicked. By you. I admit I’m curious about how many new followers can come out of this. Lately, I’ve been reading many articles on how to increase your number. I’ve listened to other twitter users describing their strategy, and what it looks like when put to use, in a private and professional context. Of course, there’s always fluctuation, and sometimes, the numbers aren’t correct. There are tools that follow and unfollow for you. You even have the option to buy followers.

#Follow500 is going to be theme-driven. Longtime friends and new contacts made lately are on the timeline because you share certain interests and passions as detailed in your bio. Writers of a certain genre, people in the same fandom(s), political interests. It makes sense to follow people who could be interested in what you’re tweeting about. Your friends that are already there know who these people are. Tools probably bring in the bigger numbers over time, but remember, it’s called social networking. Meeting a friend of a friend can be fun, right?

Are you in?

Recommend a twitter user to me who’d be interested in writing, books, feminism and psychology, lgbt issues or fandom. It could be one, or all of the above. I will follow the first 500.

I’ll see you there!

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